Hashima Island, Japan ~ October 2018

 Charlie Abrahamson
"Hashima Island, Japan"
9"x 12" Pen and Watercolor Pencil drawing
Location Link

 Evangeline Adams
Location Link

 Carolina Arroyo
Watercolor, 6x9"
Location Link

 Charlene Brown
Leaving Hashima Island
Location Link

 Bill Collie
Ink and watercolour 22x30cms
Location Link

 Bill Collie
Ink drawing 23x40cms
Location Link

 Mike Dunn
"Warped, Wall And All"
Watercolour, 27cm by 39cm.
Location Link

 Celene Farris
Hashima Island, Japan
9x12, oil
Location Link

 Julia Graber
A Window of Hashima
8.5" X 11.5"
Inktense on Watercolor Paper
Embellished with fabric & thread
Location Link

 Dane Hahn
Spooky Building
9 x 12 Tempra
Location Link

 Catherine Hale
ink in 14x14cm sketchbook
Location Link

 Christina Hermann
Ink, watercolor
Location Link

 Daniela Hoffmann
“Concrete Island"
8.5” x 8.5”
Sumi Ink and Pen on Kozo
Location Link

 Julie Manning
Location Link

 E J Mordasky
On Ghost Island
6” by 6”  Watercolor
Location Link

E J Mordasky
The Remains
watercolor, 5” by 4 1/2”
Location Link

 Patricia Musgrave
"Left Behind"
Acrylic on canvas
Location Link

 Látó  Éva/Magyarország
Hashima, Island, Japán
Watercolor  15x20 cm
Location Link

 Christine Parker
Oil on oil paper 12x9"
Location Link

 Cindy Pickup
"Stairs and Red Wall"
Oil, on canvas, 12" x 9"
Location Link

 Sherry Schmidt
Gouache  7x5"
Location Link

David Tunison
Abandoned City
Graphite, 7"x 10"
Location Link

 Earl M Boyer
Nature vs Concrete
Pen, Ink and Watercolor on 9 “x 12” Watercolor block
Location Link

 David Cheatham
Hashima Island Greenery
Colored pencil (5 x 7)
Location Link

 Stanley Epperson
8X10 in. Acrylics
Location Link

 Marla Laubisch
Location Link

 Carol Nuernberger
9X12 acrylic on canvas
Location Link

 Patricia J. Powers
'Hashima Still Life'
8x10" Oil on linen panel
Location Link

 Suzanne Queen
Hashima Island
6 in by 10 in Watercolor and Ink
Location Link

 Anne Welch
20x30cm acrylic on canvas board
Location Link

Patricia A. Ziegler
A Room With a View
Watercolor and Ink, 5" x 7"
Location Link

 Murilo S Romeiro
Fountain pen on A4 - 160g paper
Location Link

Roger Snell
Hashima brick abstract
5x7 oil on canvas panel
Location Link

18" x 24", oil

Our October 2018 Paint Out is 
Hashima Island, Japan
Open for participation from October 1 thru October 31

You'll find an interactive map of Hashima Island above, though you can't access the little yellow pegman from that map. Use the link on the upper left of, or below, the map, "View Larger Map", and the map will appear on your monitor; drag the little Yellow Man onto the map, let go while he's over a blue area, and start exploring. Find an interesting subject/area. Change it all you want. Or paint it straight up as you see it. Instructions are in the sidebar to the right. Any questions, ask 'em in the comments or email me directly.

This month we travel to the abandoned mining town of Hashima Island, Japan. Since this is October, and we here in America celebrate Halloween at the end of the month, I thought I'd choose a spooky location. This location is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and was once a home to more than 5,000 people. It has been abandoned for decades now. The concrete buildings and ruins make for a dramatic scene. Through Street View you can wander around the ruins or delve deep inside. REMEMBER! Be careful of the view you choose! There are many user submitted pics, make sure there is NOT a person's name in the upper left corner of the screen above where it says Street View. User submitted views are not allowed under the rules of the project. Thanks!


It is necessary to stress the importance of a couple of rules. One is the image size issue. It states in the rules in the right sidebar on this blog that the image has to be at a resolution of 72 and no larger than 1000 pixels on the widest side. Submissions not following the rules will not be posted.

IGNORE THE BLUE DOTS! Google has added every user submitted photograph to the maps in the form of blue dots. Make sure your reference comes from the actual Street View application and not a photograph. Thanks.

Also, each artist must include the URL of the location that the artwork is based upon. To find the URL is easy. In the maps mode, while looking at your scene you have chosen, click the "LINK" button at the top LEFT of the screen, check the "Short URL" button. With that link highlighted simply copy it and paste into your email with your submission. (How do you not lose your location? Click "SEND" with your view up and email it to yourself.)

If you want a link to your reference included with your information please make sure you include the SHORT URL for the reference with your submissionUsing the new Google Map to get a short link to your location in Street View, you need to do the following...

While in Street View, click on the three dots in the box that shows the location name. In the pop out box then click "Share or Embed Image". Click on that and in the box that pops up, make sure the "Share Link" tab is active, then simply check the box for "Short URL". Copy that link and paste it in the body of your email submission (and send to yourself so you don't lose your location.)

Below is another option for getting a short URL. If you use Google Chrome browser, install the short URL app. Makes it really easy to grab a short URL from any page you are on.

So there you go. Should be extremely easy. If your submission doesn't show up on the blog, please check the list near the top in the sidebar entitled, "Don't see your submission? This could be the reason..." Thanks.
Thanks again to Google, as they have given their permission for artists to use Street View as a reference for paintings that can then be sold without fear of copyright infringement.

And thank you, artists, for participating.

Remember, participation is open to all levels of artistic ability.



liza said...


nandini said...

superb picture for this blog
Thank You for this....
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reedge said...

Are you all done with the Paintout?

Christine Templeton said...

It's looking like Bill's done with V.P. No new places for months, why no notification on this page? Or did he move someplace else?

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Efabio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Efabio said...

Parabéns para essas pinturas, muito bom!
A pintura é uma primeira forma de arte da Humanidade.


Still Life Painter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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