
Taking A Short Break

Hello Folks,

After 104 straight months of hosting the Virtual Paintout I need a break. I have had some wonderful people offer to help me in any way they can, and I appreciate every offer, thought, and words of encouragement that have been sent my way.

Nothing is wrong. I say this so you don't think that I have an emergency of some sort, or an illness I have to deal with. I'm just burnt out. It's that simple.

The Plan... The plan is to come back strong and rejuvenated at the first of the year. So plan on participating in January!

The Most Important Part... Is You. I can't express how much you folks mean to me. And the last thing I want to do is to let you down in some way. I hate to think that someone stops drawing or painting because this is the only artistic endeavor that they participate in. So I advise you to keep drawing, sketching, sculpting, collaging, etc. And be ready for January!

With much love to all. I'll see you soon.


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