
Amsterdam - Virtual Paintout #3

Beckie Saar Leone
117 Geldersekade, Amsterdam
8" by 10" acrylic on canvas board

Regina Calton Burchett
Zuiderzeeweg, 8" x 10", pastel

Susan Cox
"Biking in Amsterdam"
8"x 8" oil

Karen Rike

Delilah Smith
9" x 12", watercolor, Amsterdam

Carol Morgan

Phil Holt
729 Keizergracht (9x12 Oil on canvas panel)

Susie Galvin
Koningslaan, watercolor

Karel Tuinart
"Sint Nicolaaskerk (Church of St. Nicholas), Amsterdam"
4.0x6.0 inch, Ink & Acrylic on paper.

Al Woodford
A Windmill in Old Amsterdam, 12 x 9 inches, Gouache on paper.

Deb Keirce
"David and the Family Visit Amsterdam"
7"x10" Mixed Media Painting

Sharon Williamson
"Amsterdam Trams"
8" x 10", acrylic on canvas paper

R. Yvonne Colclasure
Amsterdam Monument

Wendy Manning
"Singel at Huidenstraat"
7" x 7", oil pastel

"Working in Amsterdam"
8"x 8", oil on panel

Bill Guffey
"Amsterdam Canal Boat"
5" x 7", oil on canvas panel, palette knife

Our third paintout is Amsterdam.
I hope you've got your passports in order!

Open for participation from
April 1st till April 30th

View Larger Map

You'll find a pic above of the area in which you can choose something to paint. The link below will take you to Google Maps of that area, you can then drag the little Yellow Man onto the map and start exploring. Find an interesting subject/area. Change it all you want. Or paint it straight up as you see it. Instructions are in the sidebar to the right. Any questions, ask 'em here.



  1. Michelle Burnett pointed me to your blog, and this looks like a fun challenge....just when I didn't think I'd add anymore to my list, the google map element is too fun to resist!

  2. Hi Deb. The water's fine, jump on in!

  3. Bill,

    I had so much fun when I was in Amsterdam, I wonder if I will be able to travel down memory lane and find some of the spots I remeber from the map,,,hope so can't wait to start.

  4. Looks like fun! I found you through Susan Cox's blog by way of Daily Painters... it's amazing how we get around these days. BTW I love your palette knife pieces!

  5. Hi Delilah. It is a great city. Hope you find something good to paint.

  6. Hi Pat and welcome. Hope you get a chance to participate. And thanks for the comments about the knife paintings.

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  10. A person who posted under the name of Shawn asked a question regarding copyright issues with Google. I originally left the comment and replied twice. But the poster (Shawn) had blocked any way of contacted him/her, so I consider this as spam.

    I will reiterate what I posted as a reply. I have contacted Google concerning use of Streetview pics as reference for art projects. And also the potential use for artists that are confined to their homes, or facilities.

    I'll let everyone know the answers to these questions as soon as I hear.

    In the meantime, have fun, continue to paint and explore. But I might hold off selling the derivative works until a definite answer has been given.

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  12. I'm thrilled to learn that Google is okay with us painting their Streets. I had a feeling they would be pleased. After all... they aren't art photography. And this is good advertising for Google.

    I haven't finished my painting of Amsterdam, but will have it finished soon. This has been a very exciting challenge. I'm already anxious to hear what the next city is.

    Thank you for coming up with the challenge.

  13. Hi Karen, I'm thrilled as well. This decision opens up the world to artists.

    Looking forward to your participation.

  14. Excellent news from Google, Bill! Looking forward to next month's location.

  15. Since I live in Amsterdam and just started to do a series of urban sketches, I just had a fun idea. I'm thinking about picking some of the paintings here, go to that address IRL and draw on that spot.

  16. wow!!this color is amazingly done. can you share what color palette you used?
